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They say "Content is King."

We don't know exactly who "they" are, but we say, "Content is a dish best served cold." Wait. Maybe that's revenge. Same thing, really. 

Here's what we do know. Content is the engine that runs everything social. Without content there are no conversions, there is no data to analyze, there is no engagement, and there is no awareness. Social media cannot exist without content. 

We also know good content takes up around 85% of the time in any social media execution. It never stops. Always screaming to be fed. It never sleeps. It's never enough. 

It's either Seymour from Little Shop of Horrors, or a four-year-old. Same thing, really. 

If you need a new look to content, need to get started for the first time, or just need someone to take over for the love of everything holy, you know, for like a minute... we're here for you. 

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